It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to conclude that if you are on Network for Africa’s mailing list, you are probably an internationalist. In other words, you believe that humans make progress when they work together to solve the world’s challenges, spreading peace, knowledge and prosperity. Instead of hating or fearing different cultures, you are self-confident about your own roots, and curious and open-minded about the rest of the world. In which case, the current mood music around the globe is worrying.
When anthropologists study the story of human progress, they tend to reach the same conclusions about the benefits of living in an open society, trading with other cultures, listening to new voices, and adopting new ways of achieving goals.
Chris Brasher, the founder of the London Marathon, put it this way:
To believe this story you must believe that the human race can be one joyous family, working together, laughing together, achieving the impossible.
This April, our heroic friend Essien Efana-Okon is running the London Marathon to raise funds for Network for Africa’s work. Please support Essien by clicking here to sponsor him. And thank you, Essien!