The Pro Victimis Foundation has awarded us a grant for our community mental health and livelihoods project in Port Loko, Sierra Leone. Starting in July 2022, this grant will build on our existing mental health programme to improve the lives of people with mental illness by reducing poverty and providing mental health support to ensure their long-term recovery. It will do this by:
- Offering appropriate treatment and support through mental health clinics, counselling, epilepsy treatment and follow-up home visits.
- Reducing stigma by raising awareness of mental illness and treatment options in the community, including schools and maternal health clinics, and amongst community stakeholders e.g. village chiefs and religious leaders.
- Building the capacity of the local team through training and continuing professional development so that they have the best skills, expertise and confidence to support the needs of a community mental health programme.
- Raising awareness amongst district officials and duty-bearers so that they work together and commit the necessary resources and political will towards community mental health.
- Supporting participants’ self-help groups (support groups) to set up and sustain savings and loan funds and providing training to start income generating activities to underpin their savings and guarantee their long-term mental health.
Our Partners:
Conforti Community Aid Children Organisation – Port Loko Office (Conforti) & Health Poverty Action