Tom joined Network for Africa as a Project Manager in December 2019, working in Sierra Leone and providing on the ground support to Conforti until March 2020 and the onset of Covid-19. Tom continues to work closely with our partner in Port Loko, Sierra Leone, as well as N4A’s other projects in Uganda and Rwanda, and supporting the CEO with project development, new grant applications, research and communications. Prior to N4A, Tom worked for the Sierra Leone Urban Research Centre (SLURC) in Freetown, Sierra Leone, where he lived for 18 months. He has a range of experience in research, consultancy, project management, stakeholder engagement and strategic policy and planning for clients in the private, educational, non-profit and public sectors, both in Sierra Leone and the UK, and holds an MSc in Environment and Sustainable Development from University College London’s Development Planning Unit. He is passionate about sustainable development, social justice and mental health, and is particularly keen on building the capacity of N4A’s in-country partners.