As anyone who follows the news knows, the world is facing dark and frightening times. Only the hardest and most cynical hearts have not been touched by the suffering of the people of Ukraine. We all need some hope at the moment.
Here is a ray of sunshine from Network for Africa: we recently asked you for help for our project in Sierra Leone. We wanted to buy a motorbike for our team, enabling them to reach remote villages accessible only by treacherous roads.
Your response was so generous that we have been able to buy two motorbikes! It seems that however awful the international picture is, our friends want to help us with practical initiatives. By focusing on objectives we can achieve together, perhaps we feel less overwhelmed by the global problems. Or maybe Network for Africa simply has wonderful supporters.
Our Special Thanks Go To:
Veronia and Stafford Houghton
Melanie Harris
Mary Harvey
Elisabeth Weber
Paul Warwick
And Pell and Nancy Tanner
Veronia, Mary, Elisabeth and the Tanners have all seen our projects in Rwanda. We thank them for keeping faith with our approach to empowering local people to tackle challenges, without the “frills” like expensive NGO offices, expatriate staff or the white four wheel drives that litter Africa.
Thanks also to everyone reading this who has helped us over the years. To support our work, please click on the button below. And “let the sunshine…”