Please make a donation to help communities devastated by war and genocide rebuild and move forward.
Donate from the UK Donate from the US
Your support enables us to help traumatised survivors of conflict, equipping them with the skills to cope with the flashbacks and anxiety linked to post-traumatic stress disorder, looking to the future rather than living in fear; to train local health workers, enabling them to support community members affected by mental illness; to educate communities and families so they understand and help people with mental illness, rather than shunning them; empowering and supporting people emerging from the fog of depression, reconnecting them with family, community and work; and strengthening the capacity of health clinics and staff to offer diagnosis, medication and treatment for people with mental illness; making sure children with epilepsy are diagnosed and receive medication to ease symptoms, while counselling their family and community to support them rather than fearing them; using radio and drama to reach out, tackling culturally sensitive subjects in an appropriate manner; providing the community with the information needed to enhance health, nutrition, hygiene and well-being; offering training in how to establish income generating projects and savings and loan schemes at the stage in their recovery when survivors feel strong enough to explore their potential. With your financial support Network for Africa can give the counselling training needed to help resourceful and resilient community members leave the harmful legacy of conflict behind.
One Time Donations
- £7/$9 could pay for one mental health clinic enabling people with mental illness to receive support, diagnosis and medication.
- £34/$44 could pay for a community member to be trained in recognising the signs and symptoms of mental health and then be able to support and refer people for treatment.
- £50/$65 could pay for livelihoods for two people with mental health issues so they can earn an income, save regularly and secure their long-term recovery.
A Monthly Donation
- £7/$9 a month could pay for someone with mental illness to receive one to one counselling for a year.
- £24/$31 a month could pay for one radio talk show a year, bringing advice about mental illness to thousands of people who otherwise would not have access to such information.
- £50/$65 a month could pay for life-changing epilepsy medication for 72 people.