Barbara is a psychologist who has been involved in the training of lay volunteers and mental health professionals in the treatment of trauma since 1995. As a member of the International Centre for Psychosocial Trauma, she made numerous trips to Bosnia, Kosovo, Russia, Pakistan, and Palestine. In 2003, Dr. Bauer completed a five-month mission in Nepal with Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors without Borders), where her assignment was to train volunteers in trauma interventions to help women victims of violence, including those caught up in the civil war. In February 2005, she went to Sri Lanka and Indonesia to train tsunami aid workers. In coordination with the Tinsley Charitable Trust, Dr. Bauer has made six trips to Rwanda to train genocide survivors in trauma counselling; and in 2018 to South Sudan to train front line NGO staff in communities torn apart by the civil war. She made sixteen trips to Patongo, Northern Uganda between 2008 and 2016 where, as part of Network for Africa, she trained peer counsellors to work with former child soldiers and community members traumatised by the LRA. Most recently, Barbara has trained counsellors recruited by Network for Africa’s project in Sierra Leone and peer support volunteers in Kurdistan in partnership with the Free Yezidi Foundation.